Khankor Consulting

Portugal Residence with Company Incorporation

Temporary Residence Permit in Portugal

Temporary residence permit is the most widely recognized approach to legalize foreigners. However, practice shows that it is hard to autonomously comprehend the complexities of migration legislation, to compute and not to postpone the lawful stay in the state and quickly go through the system for acquiring a permit.

Our legal professionals in Portugal have the pragmatic experience and a mindful way to deal with your problems. We ensure the execution of every single lawful activity that relies upon us to get your positive outcomes.

Permanent residence permits in Portugal

The permanent residence permit is the quickest method to legalize immigrants by way of making an investment in property or some other existing business and it results in Portugal Passport within 5 years. However, practice shows that it is tough freely comprehend the complexities of migration legislation, to compute and not to defer the legal stay in the state and quickly undergo the system for acquiring a permit.

Our legal advisors have viable experience and a capable way to deal with taking care of your issues. We ensure the execution of every legitimate activity that relies upon us to get your positive outcome.

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